Specialist Training Programs
ECOPM President/Chairperson: Dr. (Dr.) Y.S. Suvorova Ph.D.
The European College of Physical Medicine (ECoPM) is an organization dedicated to the non-surgical treatment of the human body. The goal of this organization is to develop and promote non-surgical treatment techniques that restore the human body to a state of good health and equilibrium. To reach these goals the ECoPM promotes and enhances soft-tissue knowledge among physicians and other health care providers in the treatment of soft tissue dysfunction and other disorders of the human neuromusculoskeletal system. The ECoPM provides certification in specific courses designed to reach these goals. Prerequisites for course in this organization requires one or more advanced degrees in the healing arts. Course and certification is determined on a case by case analysis of the potential members training, goals and motivation.
Interested in education?
For more information on course and certification please get in touch with us
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