Conger Spier ziekten
Stress, Pijn and Dr. Conger's "Spill-Over" Theorie
Pijn en Dr. Conger's "spill-over" theorie: Wist u dat een deel van uw onbewuste brein ook is direct aangesloten op die zeer belangrijke spier - de Conger Spier en dit is zeer invloedrijk in het veroorzaken van pijn? Wist u dat als u dit begrijpt is het mogelijk om te controleren of verminderen de overdracht van zenuwimpulsen naar deze Conger Spier?
The book that will change the way we think about health and illness, The Divided Mind is the crowning achievement of Dr. John Sarno's distinguished career as a groundbreaking medical pioneer, going beyond pain to address the entire spectrum of psychosomatic (mindbody) disorders. The interaction between the generally reasonable, rational, ethical, moral conscious mind and the repressed feelings of emotional pain, hurt, sadness, and anger characteristic of the unconscious mind appears to be the basis for mindbody disorders. The Divided Mind traces the history of psychosomatic medicine, including Freud's crucial role, and describes the psychology responsible for the broad range of psychosomatic illness. The failure of medicine's practitioners to recognize and appropriately treat mindbody disorders has produced public healthy and economic problems of major proportions in the western world. One of the most important aspects of psychosomatic phenomena is that knowledge and awareness of the process clearly have healing powers. The Divided Mind reveals how and why thousands of people have become pain-free by following Dr. Sarno's revolutionary advice.

HIJ VERTELDE ZIJN PATIËNTEN voordat hij stierf, dat de pijn die je ervaart niet echt is:

"Helaas wist Dr. Sarno, M.D. niet van het bestaan van de Conger (iliopsoas) spieren en hun directe verbinding met het limbische (onbewust) gebied van de hersenen"
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